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You might think it's unsightly, or inconvenient, but the truth is pubic hair exists for a reason – we just aren't sure what reason that might be. Grooming below the belt isn't new, so whether you fully embrace your unkempt furriness or you started manscaping long before manscaping was even a thing, you must be at least a little curious to know what women prefer - especially when it comes to your nether regions. RELATED: Shaving Your Balls: A How-To Guide So, in this era of expanding possibilities for men and masculinity, it's time to have a serious conversation about men's pubic hair. They get regular waxes to rid themselves of leg hair, use laser hair removal to tackle armpit hair, tweeze their eyebrows, and trim/wax/shave their pubic hair. Men's body hair is a touchy subject for most guys, but women have been dealing with it forever. To go trimmed, clean-shaven or au naturel? These options are on men's minds a lot more than they admit – trust us. AskMen may get paid if you click a link in this article and buy a product or service. The AskMen editorial team thoroughly researches & reviews the best gear, services and staples for life.

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What should I do about my pubic hair? Answer Now >

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