Daddys young gay videos

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My name is Emma and I am six years old, today Daddy is going to show me his secret room - he says I've been a good girl and I'm old enough to help him with his work: I'm so happy! Daddy is always so quiet and he never lets me in his secret room.ĭaddy is waiting for me as I come down the stairs, I put on my best dress just as Daddy asked me to and he smiles at me - I smile back and try not to bounce too much: this is going to be so much fun!ĭaddy turns away and motions for me to follow as he opens the door, turning on a light as he goes down a flight of stairs - it is still rather dark down there and I stop for the first time, a little unsure.ĭaddy doesn't like that, his smile fades and he gives me a look that makes me scared - he asks me what's wrong: I don't want Daddy to be upset so I say nothing and come down the stairs, trying not to jump as the door closes behind me, it smells funny down here.ĭaddy turns away again and stands over a table, I look around and see the walls are covered in old newspapers and someone had drawn lots of smiley faces in crayon - looking up I see my old dolls hanging by string: Daddy had taken them away when I was very little, saying big girls don't play with dolls - their dresses were removed and someone had burned off their hair, I tried not to stare too long as they swayed back and forth.

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